Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Your Guide To Convincing Your Parents On The Merits Of Studying Abroad

For many parents, having their children move to a whole new country to live by themselves during their academic years is an unfathomable thought. Especially if you are from a conservative family, it is a lot harder to convince your parents about the range of benefits associated with a chance to get exposed to a different world through education.

Here are a few tips to consider when selling the idea to you parents in a positive light –

·         Highlight your Dedication

Make it clear to you parents that your decision to study abroad is based on a well informed process that highlights how it will influence your academic and personal development. Moving abroad, even for a few years, is a great way to broaden your horizons and positively affects your professional life. Investing in a good international education can allow you to have meaningful experiences in a more disciplined manner.

·         Highlight the Potential Career Boost

Especially if you plan on moving to Europe or the US for your studies, you will be able to show your parents the potential this move puts forth from the perspective of career growth. Employers tend to be impressed with candidates with academic experiences abroad and are more likely to hire you. Furthermore, your overseas education is an indicator to your students that you are flexible, culturally aware and open to new ideas.

·         Look for Students with Similar Backgrounds

If you plan on applying through Ireland education consultants, they will be able to help you connect with existing applications and students from the universities you are applying to. You can get in touch with students from your city with similar family backgrounds and even have your parents interact with each other so that all the key queries are clarified and their minds are put to rest.

·         Give your Parents a Sense of Confidence in you

One of the major concerns most Indian parents tend to have about sending their children abroad is the safety. As a child, you need to find ways to reaffirm your ability to take mature decisions as an individual. Find ways to give your parents confidence about your ability to adapt to the new environment with ease.

·         Involve Other Adults

If you have a professor your parents trust, a relative or even your Ireland education consultant, find ways to involve them in your discussions. This way your parents will be able to openly raise all their questions and have all their apprehensions cleared.

Finally, cost is often a worrying factor for parents who agree to send their children abroad to study. Give them confidence in your ability to take up small odd jobs to sustain your every day expenses. Find scholarship programs that may support your, education loans or other ways of funding your endeavour. In addition to this, keep your parents involved through every step of the way to make sure that are able to make peace with your move over a period of time.

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